Consultant Endocrinologist at Sree Renga Hospital, Chengalpattu Dr.Sruthi Chandrasekaran to appear on Star Vijay today
Consultant Endocrinologist Dr.Sruthi Chandrasekaran MD AB (Endocrinology) CCD will discuss thyroid and Endocrinology-related issues on Star Vijay TV on December 20th (Saturday) at 1:00 p.m.
The next appointment for Dr.Sruthi Chandrasekaran at Sree Renga Hospital, Chengalpattu will be on Saturday December 27th at 10:00 a.m.
Updated: 19-DEC-2014
Sree Renga Hospital, Chengalpattu Marks 10 Years of Quality Dialysis Service
Teeing off as the first Dialysis Centre in the district of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, the hospital provides quality dialysis facilities at an affordable cost to many patients. At a small gathering, patients and staff of the Centre were felicitated for their participation and first-rate work.

Updated: 19-NOV-2014
World Diabetes Day 2014 - Free tests
On Nov 15 and 16, 2014 about 400 people were screened for FREE, for Diabetes and its related complications.

Updated: 17-NOV-2014
World Diabetes Day 2014 - Inauguration
Dr.M.Balasubramanian, State President, Indian Medical Association, Tamil Nadu State Branch, Prof. Dr.Karu Nagarajan, Member-Secretary, Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education and Mrs.Radhika Santhanakrishnan, Founder, Penn Nalam Hospital were among the guests of honour at the inauguration of the hospital's annual World Diabetes Day events.

Updated: 15-NOV-2014
The Drumbeat against Diabetes begins
The drumbeat against Diabetes began at 1:00 p.m. with students from eight schools assembling at the hospital. Flagged off by the Assistant Superintendent of Police Mr.Georgy George, children braved the drizzle, kicking off the march against diabetes. Dr.K.P.Pichumani MD, Diabetologist and Family Physician led the rally.

Updated: 12-NOV-2014
Join the rally against Diabetes
Diabetes kills over 1 million Indians every year, via its complications of the heart, kidneys, eyes and the feet. Mainly through lost earnings and productivity, this one, single health condition costs the Indian industry 2.1 percent of its annual GDP. With a prevalence rate as high as 17% growing at a CAGR of 7.40%, diabetes is a looming time bomb among Indians, particularly because the average age of detection of diabetes in India is only 42.5 years.
Sree Renga Hospital, Chengalpattu organises a variety of activities and programs every year, to mark World Diabetes Day. To increase the awareness about this preventable, treatable disease, a student rally is being planned on Wednesday November 12 at 1:00 p.m.
Additionally, the following activities are being planned on November 15th and 16th – all open and FREE to the public.
1. Free Diabetes Blood testing Camp
2. Free Diabetes Awareness Exhibition
3. Free Diabetes Counselling
4. Free Blood Pressure testing
5. Free Eye testing
6. Free Dental Checkup
7. Free Foot testing
8. Free Fitness Camp
9. Free Diabetes Prevention Camp
10. Puppet shows on Diabetes
11. Doctor - Patient interaction sessions
12. Nutrition and Health Awareness Stalls
13. Speech, Essay and Cookery competitions on the subject of diabetes
14. Diabetes Awareness Rally
To register, please call Ph: 044-27427430
Updated: 4-NOV-2014
FREE medical tests and Diabetes Awareness sessions on World Diabetes Day
Diabetes kills over 1 million Indians every year, via its complications of the heart, kidneys, eyes and the feet. Mainly through lost earnings and productivity, this one, single health condition costs the Indian industry 2.1 percent of its annual GDP. With a prevalence rate as high as 17% growing at a CAGR of 7.40%, diabetes is a looming time bomb among Indians, particularly because the average age of detection of diabetes in India is only 42.5 years.2
Sree Renga Hospital, Chengalpattu organises a variety of activities and programs every year, to mark World Diabetes Day. This year, the following activities are being planned on November 15th and 16th – all open and FREE to the public.
1. Free Diabetes Blood testing Camp
2. Free Diabetes Awareness Exhibition
3. Free Diabetes Counselling
4. Free Blood Pressure testing
5. Free Eye testing
6. Free Dental Checkup
7. Free Foot testing
8. Free Fitness Camp
9. Free Diabetes Prevention Camp
10. Puppet shows on Diabetes
11. Doctor - Patient interaction sessions
12. Nutrition and Health Awareness Stalls
13. Speech, Essay and Cookery competitions on the subject of diabetes
14. Diabetes Awareness Rally
To register, please call Ph: 044-27427430
Updated: 31-OCT-2014
Paediatric Cardiology services
Sree Renga Hospital, in collaboration with Apollo Children’s Hospitals, Chennai has opened a Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery OP unit at the hospital.
Paediatric Intervention Cardiologist Dr.Anuradha Sridhar and Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon Dr.Neville A G Solomon from Apollo Children’s Hospitals now see patients at our hospital, between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. on the last Wednesday of every month. Paediatric Echo Cardiography will also be available during this time.
FREE Cardiothoracic surgery will be performed on eligible patients, under the TNCMHIS (Govt. Health Scheme).
For additional information, please call Ph: 94878 66199
Updated: 10-AUG-2014
ENT Consultation
ENT Consultations are now available every day of the week, at 5:00 p.m. with Dr.Sheetal. Prior appointment required.
For additional information, please call Ph: 044-2743 1544 / 2743 2240
Updated: 10-AUG-2014
Nephrologist Consultation
Dr.K.Narayanan MD DM DNB (Nephrology) sees patients at the hospital, every Thursday, at 5:00 p.m. Prior appointment required.
For additional information, please call Ph: 044-2743 1544 / 2743 2240
Updated: 10-AUG-2014
Life is Good - The story of Renu and Ravi

Seven years into marriage Renu and Ravi (names changed) were longing to start a family. A blockage in the Fallopian tube, detected via diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy, was promptly cleared by hysteroscopic cannulation and an Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) performed in June 2013 (2nd attempt) was successful with a twin pregnancy. The couple delivered two healthy babies - a boy and a girl - in March 2014. Diagnosis to delivery in under 11 months.
Watch the new parents sharing their experience.
Similar stories: Manu & Mohan | Kani & Kumar
Updated: 24-JUN-2014
Life is Good - The story of Manu and Mohan

A married couple of ten years, Manu and Mohan (names changed) attempted various fertility procedures elsewhere. At Sree Renga Hospital, a hysterolaparoscopy was performed and hormonal drugs administered via injections. Intra Uterine Insemination using the husband's sample resulted in successful conception in the second attempt (March 2014) and the couple today are excited parents-in-waiting! Expected Date of Delivery: 3rd Nov, 2014.
Similar stories: Kani & Kumar
Updated: 14-MAR-2014
Life is Good - The story of Kani and Kumar

Kani and Kumar (names changed) are married for eight years. After thorough investigations, the husband was diagnosed of Azoospermia -- absence of viable sperm. A diagnostic hysteroscopy and laparoscopy on the lady revealed Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD).
After due consent from the parents-to-be, an Intra Uterine Insemination procedure (IUI) using carefully chosen specimen from a sperm bank was successfully performed, leading to conception in the first attempt (Jan 2014).
Updated: 30-JAN-2014