FREE paramedical education under Government-aided scheme
Narbhavi Community College and Narbhavi Institute of Paramedical Sciences, the teaching arms of Sree Renga Hospital, Chengalpattu have been offering one-year courses in various hospital departments such as Nursing, Operation Theatre, Laboratory, X-Ray, Dialysis and Emergency Care. These courses are approved by bodies such as the Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU), the Indian Medical Association (IMA) and Bharat Sevak Samaj (BSS).
Now, with the support of the Government of Tamil Nadu's Puthu Vaazhvu Thittam, these courses are being offered for FREE to eligible candidates. A programme to mark the commencement of this initiative was held on 1st July 2015, at the hospital.
Interested students may please contact us on Ph: 98940 82977
Updated: 2-JUL-2015
Happy Doctors' Day
As the country marks the birth anniversary of the legendary physician Dr.Bidhan Chandra Roy, Sree Renga Hospital, Chengalpattu thanks all the medical doctors on board, for their expertise and dedication. Happy Doctors' Day!
Updated: 1-JUL-2015
International Day of Yoga at Narbhavi Community College
Updated: 22-JUN-2015
International Day of Yoga at Sree Renga Healthy Living Centre, Chengalpattu
Personalised and private Yoga classes for men, women and children are part of the regular programmes available at Sree Renga Healthy Living Centre. Pictured below are moments from the International Day of Yoga celebrations, on 21st June 2015. To choose a class at a convenient timing on weekdays or weekends, please call the Centre on Ph: 044-274 274 30
Updated: 22-JUN-2015
Survey: Tobacco usage among 5000 residents of villages
Humbled to be among the 25 winners chosen from all over the country, for creating awareness of Diabetes and its complications among the public. Dr.K.P.Pichumani MD, Diabetologist and Family Physician, receiving the award from Dr.K.Rosaiah, the Governor of Tamil Nadu.
Chennai-like care, right in Chengalpattu
After being unsuccessfully treated elsewhere for similar complaints, a 60 year old female patient — a k/c/o T2DM ? CAD ? multiple toe amputations of the lower limb — presented with the following complaints: (a) High grade fever, chills & rigors lasting 1 week (b) Post menopausal bleeding lasting 1 week and (c) severe dehydration with tachypnoea and tachycardia. Urine R/E showed plenty of pus cells and USG - abdomen revealed R Pyelonephritis ? mild R HUN.
Diagnosed as a case of severe Anaemia ? Urosepsis ? AKI, higher antibiotics and Hormone Replacement Therapy were initiated; 2 units of blood transfusion done. After hemodynamically stabilizing the patient in the ICU, R URS + DJ Stenting was done for R pyelonephritis. Diagnostic hysteroscopy & biopsy done for post menopausal bleeding. In 4 days, the patient was shifted out of the ICU and the post op period was uneventful. After another 5 days in the ward, the patient was discharged in good general condition
Chennai-like medical care, right in Chengalpattu. (April 2015)

ABOUT THE ICU AT SREE RENGA HOSPITAL, CHENGALPATTU: Networked via two high-speed broadband connections with an Intensive Care Specialists group in Chennai, patients at the six-bed ICU are monitored LIVE, 24 x 7, by both the in-house team of doctors and nurses and the distant expert network, via videoconferencing. Patients and doctors interact with the support team of specialists, vitals such as blood pressure, pulse and oxygen levels are monitored remotely and investigation reports shared among all the attending doctors.
Such a collaborative Care Plan has enabled the successful handling of the following types of cases, over the past year.
Sepsis C with CVP and IABP monitoring
ARDS (with NIV and mechanical ventilation)
CV catheter for CVP monitoring
ICD and Ventilator support Acute Coronary Syndrome
Myocardial Infarction
Unstable angina
Accelerated Hypertension
Dilated Cardiomyopathy with volume overload status Hemodialysis (HD)
through Jugular Venous Catheter, permanent HD Catheter
Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) through Intra-/Intermittent PD catheter and Continuous Ambulatory PD catheter
Acute Renal Failure (HD / PD)
Acute on Chronic Renal Failure (HD / PD / CAPD) Acute CVA
Infants with Neurophysiotherapy)
Seizure disorders
Updated: 5-MAY-2015